Friday, October 14, 2005


And thank god for Tylenol. Had more than just a bit of a hangover this morning. The sight of my half-full (half empty?) wine glass on the counter made me cringe. I've got nothing edible in the apartment (note to self: go grocery shopping!) and my stomach is seriously unhappy so I'm going to run to the corner (in the rain) and pick up some bread at the portugese bakery. Gotta love the Plateau. There's a bakery or rotisserie on every corner!

It's been a quiet day "at the office". My boss canceled the one meeting we had this afternoon. Her schedule's showing Busy until 4pm today. As I suspected I've lost some of my nerve in approaching her about the raise. I wanted to speak to her about it but I guess I could put it in an email if I can't catch up with her today. It's just easier for her to ignore emails and I don't want to let her off the hook so easily. It's not as though she'll be totally surprised; we did talk about it earlier this year so I'm really just following up, right? Right.

I got a World Vision Christmas Gift Guide in the mail and will definitely be making a contribution this year. For a donation of $100 for instance a family will receive 4 hens and 2 roosters or an entire medical clinic can be stocked with supplies! I'm glad I bothered to read the catalogue instead of just putting it into the recycling bin.

Kay sent me the details for that party tomorrow night. It's pretty close by so she and Jude and probably going to pick me up on the way.


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