Monday, February 20, 2006

How To Get Laid Today

In response to a previous post I jokingly mentioned a book I'd come across on Amazon called The System: How To Get Laid Today! Lo and behold, I was over at a friend's yesterday evening and found this exact book lying on the table right in front of me. It was such a coincidence I almost didn't believe that it was the same one but indeed it was. My friend's (male) cousin had suggested she read it to possibly help her identify and avoid Players. I borrowed and read the book and found it quite amusing, actually agreeing with some of the points raised.

"The System provides specific instructions and examples of how to laid today. Within these pages you'll learn how to identify girls who are ready and willing to go home with you right NOW, how to meet them, and how to close the deal within minutes of meeting these girls...The trick is to pick the right girl and then follow the correct process to get that girl home and in bed."
So it isn't about how to get any girl but rather learning how to read a girl's signals, identifying the one who's into you, and confidently making your move. I think two of the most common mistakes guys make are 1)They go after women who are not interested in them 2)They don't recognize when a woman is interested and fail to make a move. This harks back to this post where I complain about this problem. Monkeylogique commented: "however obvious women think they are about the signals they send, they are simply usually *NOT* obvious enough. You must SPELL OUT your interest SO clearly that it will be obvious to the blind." I'm sorry but having to do that is a major turnoff. When a girl is sending a guy obvious signals that she's into him and he still isn't sure that translates into being "unsure of self" or lack of confidence and it's Game Over.

"Women communicate largely through body language and they expect men to understand their wants and needs without verbalizing them. Women believe when they give out these signals a confident, experienced man will take the appropriate actions. They expect this of men and will always choose the more confident man over the one who lacks confidence."
Definitely agree with this. I don't have time for some bewildered Boy whose hand I have to hold and guide through the motions.

Men also assume that some women are "good girls" who would never put out on the first date. The book's author writes:
"Every girl is a good girl, and every girl will put out on the first date given the right conditions, if she thinks you're the right guy, and your timing is right. Bad girls are just good girls with bad boys. You just have to be the man who can help her express that side of her nature."
No one I know goes out looking specifically for a one-night-stand but they've all had them at some point. It does depend on the circumstances and it is possible.

Overall, it was a fun read with some admittedly useful tips. The book isn't about getting women into bed by tricking them into thinking you want a relationship when all you want is to get laid. It's about identifying that 1% of women at any given moment who are open to the idea of sleeping with someone they just met and are interested in that someone. You're basically trying to sell a car to someone who's already looking to buy a car. If she's willing to take a test drive it's up to you to close the deal!


Blogger monkeylogique said...

So, you give the book a thumbs up?

For the record, my comment about women SPELLING OUT their interest was NOT to be taken TOO seriously or literally!! And it certainly was NOT a statement of my own personal position on the subject! I was merely speaking on behalf of the general male population.

I will say this though: MIXED signals drive me crazy!

And yes men are basic mammals that don't do very well with subtleties. It (generally) has nothing to do with confidence. (Though a "confident" guy may approach a woman regardless of what signals she sends (but that may be more a factor of him being less averse to rejection)).

That being said, a woman that's too obvious or forward might be taken for cheap and easy by some...

2/21/2006 6:39 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

I know you were just trying to play devil's advocate. I'm sure you wouldn't personally be that clueless :)

A guy who pursues women who are NOT interested would not be seen as confident. I'm talking about having the confidence to take it to the next stop once a guy recognizes that he's gotten the green light.

Guys always complain about mixed signals when they're not mixed at all. That's where the experience part comes in.

2/21/2006 9:36 AM  
Blogger monkeylogique said...

That's the problem love. Men and women are just not talkind the same language. What men and women mean by "mixed signal" is most likely not the same thing!!

As far as experience goes, yeah, after a while, guys will recognize the psychos (wishy washy, moody, unpredictable, mentally unstable witches) and learn to RUN the other way!! ;-)))

2/21/2006 11:04 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

OK, on second thought you're probably right. A lot of women do seem to play games. I should blame them for confusing men!

2/21/2006 3:41 PM  
Blogger monkeylogique said...

Right on!

2/21/2006 4:41 PM  
Blogger bava said...

I think I'll write a book called:

"How to Get Laid Tomorrow: The Get-It-On Guide for Procrastinators".

I think there'd be a great market for it. :)

2/23/2006 11:22 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

I'd buy a copy for every male I know!

2/23/2006 11:53 AM  

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