Thursday, January 19, 2006

Meli Melo

I don't have anything specific in mind for this post so I thought I'd just write a bit about whatever comes to mind...

First off, it's Anne's birthday today so JOYEUSE ANNIVERSAIRE, girl, and I'll see you on Saturday night. (Anne's having a party at her "ghetto pad". Sounds like fun, looking forward to it!)

Last Saturday night I went with some friends to Unity, a gay bar in the Village. The patrons were 99.9% male (homosexual, obviously) and sizzling hot. Most were very masculine and not stereotypically gay. They were tanned, toned, topless, and totally uninterested. I didn't take it personally :) I danced until the bottoms of my feet were burning. After closing we went and had some (cold, congealed) pizza from a dive across the street, which I suspect to be the source of the food poisoning that plagued me for the 2 days following. What a nightmare. I still haven't been able to eat a solid meal since.

It was amid bouts of nausea (heart-burn, in-di-ges-tion, up-set sto-mach, dia-rrhea. Hey, Pepto-Bismol!) that I found out about The Boy's extracurricular activities and subsequently broke up with him. Latest on him: he sent me a very long, romantic email asking for forgiveness and a second chance. I said Oui to the first part but Non to the second. I feel really good about my decision and I'm glad things ended on a more positive note. I'd like to be friends but not sure if he'd go along with that.

I spent Tuesday night at Jay's house (of the infamous Roommate Sex episode) as the street became covered in a sheet of ice and it was too dangerous to attempt the drive home. Thankfully Matt was sans ho this time. Jay told me how much he hated it that I'd met J. Turns out they used to be buddies until J "stole" Jay's girlfriend years ago. Jay thinks that by cavorting with me J's stickin' it to him again since I am, technically, also one of his ex-girlfriends. I reassured him that there was nothing going on between me and J, at least not recently.

Speaking of J...Things have been (frustratingly) platonic the last few times we've seen one another. He just ended a long term relationship a few months ago so I understand. We do lots of talking and smoking, which is cool, however it'd be more bearable if he were a little less cute. He's sending some mixed signals but I read in an article recently that this isn't a bad thing:
Mixed signals are, for the most part, a good sign. They mean a guy is unsure, either of whether or not he likes you, or how to go about letting you know he digs you. The fact of the matter is that either one of these options are good. Most men will drop you like a bad habit if they aren´t into you. Most men won´t stick around if they do not see some sort of future value, some prospect. This holds true for even the kind, generous, or shy men; a waste of time is a waste of time, and most people don´t walk that route.

True or not?

Finally, I have a date with yet another Jason this weekend. (I met 4 Jason's last year, 3 of which have last names starting with W and the other with a V, only one letter away! Freaky.) Our mutual friend thought we'd get along so we're going to play pool and have a few drinks. Should be a fun outing though I'm not expecting a love connection. Discouraged much?


Blogger bava said...

"Most men won't stick around if they do not see some sort of future value, some prospect. This holds true for even the kind, generous, or shy men; a waste of time is a waste of time, and most people don't walk that route."

I agree with that, for the most part. It IS nice to have some girls solidly in "friend" territory, and vice versa, I imagine. Still, if a guy thinks it's not worthwhile in the least, most times it'll be blatantly obvious. Still, I don't know if I would call mixed signals a "good" sign, but at least they aren't a definitively bad one.

p.s. I'll be hitting you up for advice on hot spots of Montreal come fall, when I start at McGill. :)

1/19/2006 1:19 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

Really? That's awesome! We'll definitely have to toast your arrival.

1/19/2006 1:56 PM  
Blogger Monsta said...

heh, i've got a many 'jason' named friends...

i know that feeling; unsureness over whether to stay platonic or go agape and goo goo ga ga over the girl.

yet, at these times, one is at the most fragile... nudge us undecisive guys towards your way and soon we would be kissing your oh so delicate feets... hehehe

1/21/2006 6:51 AM  

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